Nnbryophytes and pteridophytes pdf

Due to discovery of the fossil plants, the classification of pteridophytes has undergone vast changes in the recent past. Field guide to the pteridophytes of chiang mai, thailand. Botany pteridophytes class notes for students and teachers of life science biological science. Engler 1909 included the bryophyta and pteridophyta under embryophyta. Instead, the water and minerals flow from the surface of the plant cell to cell in the plants body. Pteridophyta characteristics, life cycle, classification. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Pteridophytes general characters ppt general characteristics, life cycle and reproduction of pteridophytes ppt what are pteridophytes.

They dont have conducting tissues for transportation of water and minerals. The term bryophyta is used as a collective name to represent a group of plants that includes the mosses musci, hornworts and liverworts hepaticae growing predominantly in amphibious environment. Characteristics of pteridophytes, morphology of pteridophytes, reproduction of pteridophytes, homosporous and heterosporous pteridophytes, megaspore and microspores, gametophytes of pteridophytes, fertilization, zygote and embryo of pteridophytes, life cycle. Ferns differ from seed plants in reproducing by spores and from bryophytes in that, like seed plants, they are polysporangiophytes, their sporophytes branching. Difference between bryophytes and pteridophytes major. Pdf difference between bryophytes and pteridophytes. Callado l bayu adji l piyakaset suksathan l wenni setyo lestani l dedy daernaedi contributing authors. A fern polypodiopsida or polypodiophyta is a member of a group of vascular plants that. The evolution and diversification of epiphytic ferns pdf phd thesis. Bryophytes plants without well developed vascular systems. Sexual reproduction is accomplished by the release of spores, which develop. The homosporous pteridophytes constitute the lowest sub kingdom of vascular plants. Bryophytes bryophytes is a general term for the non. They and all plants above them have a true fibirovascular system and.

Field guide to the pteridophytes of chiang mai, thailand john rey c. Difference between bryophytes and pteridophytes bryophytes. Older taxonomists divided the vascular plants in two divisionspteridophyta. Botany for degree studentspteridophyta by a k sinha. Pteridophytes are seedless and they procreate through spores. A pteridophyte is a vascular plant with xylem and phloem that disperses spores. Hindi important mcqs on botany for uppsc by juhi mishra. In fact, they can be considered as the first terrestrial vascular plants, showing the presence of the vascular tissue, xylem, and phloem. Spores of pteridophytes and bryophytes, and pollen of gymno. They can be found in mostly in damp and shady places.